Alt-Right • Anarcho-Fascism • Ba'athism • Black Islamism • Black Nationalism • Black Zionism • Eco-Fascism • Esoteric Fascism • Ethnonationalism • Ethnocacerism • Ethnocracy • Ethnopluralism. Though I definitely won't deny that Lebanon's. (Optional) Add a black/gray helmet with the German eagle emblem and a golden spike. It seeks to. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here! Polcompball Anarchy Wiki. An ideology's icon should be inserted before its name when it is mentioned on a different ideology's page, as observed in the How to Edit on the Wiki To add an icon to a page: Click the edit button. Islamic Theocracy, or Muslim Theocracy, also known as Islamism, is a culturally right, authoritarian and economically variable ideology. Austrofascism • Ba'athism • Bismarckism • Black Islamism • Blueshirtism • Brazilian Integralism • British Fascism • Byzantine Model • Carlism • Chinese Theocracy •. On the ball draw a white circle outline, with arched lines in it. Abolishing the caliphate was a grave mistake. Metaxism believes that minorities within Greece should assimilate to the Greek national identity and that it. But Hezbollah embraced secularism in 2009. Ba'athism - We could've been brothers, but you're anti-Zionist and sometimes just downright anti-semitic. History. If you want to add flairs to a page, visit the List of ideology icons. It is a form of religion-state relationship that is usually ideologically linked to irreligion and the promotion of irreligion to some extent. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here! Polcompball Anarchy Wiki. The origins of Neozapatismo trace back to the 1910s during the Mexican Revolution with its namesake, General Emiliano Zapata Salazar, an Agrarian revolutionary who led the Liberation Army of the South in the fight against the national government to reclaim stolen communal lands. Conservatives emphasize duty, virtue, and human nature as well as seek to maintain the social order and their country's traditional values, they usually seek. It should be. He is also very vocally Catholic and is usually seen either at church, praying, or singing "Ave Maria!"Rationalism. There have been multiple conceptions of African Socialism historically, with differing variants coming from many. History. 780 Articles. This ideology also believes that in order to build. Trotskyism originated during the life of Leon Trotsky, who was influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. At least you. Hramanadar Keri. Liberal Conservatism - In most cases we disagree but Yeltsin was Culturally more Liberal and Putin was Based, even in 1990's-2008. WIP Beliefs. This is the 2021 official (?) Polcompball compass collab! It is based on this image, originally made by u/Atzyn, and the collab itself was organized by u/NokareKare and u/Atzyn via the official Polcompball Discord server . 1. Navigation. Welfare Chauvinism believes that a welfare state should be combined with extreme nationalism. The term Juche (Chosŏn'gŭl: 주체사상 Hancha: 主體思想) is a Korean word meaning "self-reliance". It is a pan-Africanist and socialist ideology that believes in sharing economic resources based on traditional African methods of doing so. Connect them with a line crossing the arrows. See moreBear Ba'athism is an extremely progressive version of Ba’athism that strongly embraces LGBTQ issues and other progressive values. Peruanismo - A great comrade who tried to apply my ideals in Latin America!Monarcho-Capitalism is an economically right-wing, moderately statist and culturally variable ideology that is in the Right Center part of the compass. Khomeini received a traditional Islamic education and studied under renowned religious scholars of his time. He also acts very religious. Welfare Chauvinism or Welfare State Nationalism is an authoritarian, economically center to center-left, culturally right-wing to far-right and ultranationalist ideology. It also believes in the idea that revolutions are dictated by a small minority. Maoism is a variant of Marxism-Leninism in China that was developed in the 1930s in the unrecognized state ‘China Soviet Republic’ as a major rebellion force against the authoritarian nationalist government. It focuses on appealing to a large amount of people and their sensibilities, believing that what the masses want must be what the masses get. Every quadrant was split up into 4 (or 2 for the unity quadrants) and each was drawn by an individual artist. Navigation. Personality and Behavior. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here! Polcompball Wiki. We currently have 5,508 articles on Polcompball Anarchy Wiki. He believes in the prioritisation of the proletariat as the most revolutionary class of society, rejecting a worker-peasant alliance. Nasserism, Nkrumaism, Nehru Socialism - Comrades and Founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement. Also, The Republican. We currently have 5,468 articles on Polcompball Anarchy Wiki. The ideology is usually associated with either Integralism or Fascism . Market Ba'athism is a mix between Ba'athism and Capitalism well this ideology believes that Arabs of every Arabic Nation should unite into one by Free Markets and United States to make that happen but also Market Ba'athists think that The Soviet Union where dividing Arab unity with Kurdish leftism. Navigation. It stresses the need for tightly organized anarchist organizations. Caesarism, also called Roman Imperialism, is an authoritarian, economically center ideology that follows the ideals of the Roman Empire. Cheism is an original political philosophy movement, a view. La Maknovitchina. Ba'athism - Of course, that doesn't mean the Assadist state is any better for fighting it. While not as far left as Nazbol, he supports a socialist economy with strong worker's rights, and is anti-capitalist believing that markets are dominated by those he deems "inferior". Dengism, Putinism, Ba'athism: All accused by Progressive and Neoconservative circles due to their ever-increasing authoritarian, jingoist, militaristic and nationalist policies. Ba'athism - My weird son and I banned you in Syria during the UAR era, but we still cooperate in fighting western imperialists. CultNat represents an intermediate position between civic nationalism and ethnic/racial nationalism, and is most often manifested in moderate forms such as Flemish nationalism and Hindu nationalism,. Jihadist Democracy is a ideology in which Shira Law, A Caliphate and Democracy can work together to their goal of recreating The Islamic Dream but with Democratic help well it has been used by The Ottoman Caliphate when there is The Turkish Jihad Uprising in 2022 that disbanded The Republic Of Turkey to create this thing well. Oswald Mosley. Marxism-Leninism - I prosecuted. National Feminism, or Feminazism, is a totalitarian, culturally far-right (not including its stance on gender) ideology that has characteristics from Nazism, such as anti-Semitism and ethnic cleansing of the "Untermensch". He is an Auth Left, Culturally Right, Ethnonationalists and Religious. Platformism is an ideology that seeks unity from its participants, having, as a defining characteristic, the idea that each platformist organization should include only people that are fully in agreement with core group ideas, rejecting people who disagree. Additionally, American Model believes in a somewhat egalitarian society, upholding strong civil liberties for every citizen, as well as advocating. Bolivarianism is an authoritarian ideology that uses Nationalistic Patriotic, and Pan-Nationalistic ideas used predominantly in Venezuela and Colombia. They persecute men and patriarchs so that women can become the dominant. Anatoly Lunacharsky (1875-1933) Vperedism, is an authoritarian, far-left Socialist and Communist ideology. Corporatism is an economically third position, authoritarian ideology that advocates for the organization of society into specialized employment sectors, such as agriculture, military, engineering and others, referred to as "corporations". Ba'athism - You too, Mr. We currently have 780 articles on Polcompball Wiki. In a speech of his a decade later, Kim Il Sung developed the ideology further, developing its three main principles, those being economic self-sustenance, political. This is a compiled list of every ideologyball, meaning they are officially recognized on the subreddit. It seeks to establish sharia law and Islamic rule through often violent means. We currently have 780 articles on Polcompball Wiki. Primarially, the term is also used to refer specifically to the ideology of Oswald Mosley, and by extension his political party: the British Union of Fascists (BUF). Clerical Fascism, clipped to Clerfash, is a totalitarian, culturally far-right and economically mid-left to mid-right ideology. WIP Modern Day. Flag of Objectivism. He believes in a form of currency called labour coins, but unlike Mutualism, he does not believe in the market. şikastî ja ba. Main Article: Ba'athism. Confessionalism - Well, as long as you don't try to interfere with your citizen's personal beliefs then I guess I can tolerate you. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here! Polcompball Wiki. Pre-Revolution. . Anti-Authoritarianism, sometimes known as Anti-Auth for short, is a civically liberal to libertarian ideology whose sole defining characteristic is fervent, uncompromising opposition to Authoritarianism and strong state power. Left-wing autonomism is a political movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s in Western Europe, particularly in Italy and Germany. Draw a bundle of arrows. Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong (usually central) power that demands obedience to authority and limited political and civil freedoms. Khomeinism - The protests should bring about the theocracy downfall. When the October Revolution occured, Trotsky was a major leader of the revolution and contributed greatly to leading the Petrograd Soviet. Cultural Nationalism is an ideology which views the nation as being a shared culture. Conservatism is a way of looking at social reality in an essentialist and teleological way, assuming the existence of an order and a natural law knowable by reason, revelation, or tradition. Thaksin Shinawatra is a Thai billionaire, the founder of mobile phone operator Advanced info service and IT and telecommunications conglomerate Shin Corporation, a former police officer, the founder of Thai Rak Thai Party (TRT), who served as the Prime Minister of Thailand from 2001 to. It is portrayed as nationalistic and culturally right-wing. While not describing manufacturing Ford's industrial philosophy directly, it still technically applies to it since a central part of this Fordism is the manufacturing philosophy applied to. British Fascism (shortened to BritFash) is an umbrella term used to refer to the many different Fascist movements in Britain from the early-1900s to the present day. Brazilian Integralism is an authoritarian, culturally right-wing and economically ambiguous ideology. Main page;. Enemies. . But much of the conservative western world. Stransserism, also known as Trans-Strasserism ( Strans for short), is an authoritarian, ultranationalist and anti-capitalist ideology inhabiting the top center of the AuthLeft quadrant. Enjoy!When you are interested in learning Toki P. - The reason why my American variant does not kill monarchists is that there aren't any left after more than 200 years of being an independent republic; Fascism - You are a really strange person. And you're finished!Fourth Theory is a reactionary, authoritarian, and economically third-positionist ideology that seeks to go beyond the 3 modern political theories, Liberalism, Communism and Fascism. Scientific Racism is a kind of racism which is based on scientific research and biological factors. Click the arrow to the right of the "Visual Editor" word and select "Source Editor". It was born in Iran and Morocco in the 7th century. Though liberalism is rather vaguely defined, and its definition alters depending on when and where the term is used, it is typically associated with values such as multiparty democracy, personal freedom, equality of opportunity, secularism,. Anarcho-Collectivism is an Anarchist and economically far-left ideology that believes in a worker-owned economy seized directly by the workers with no interim state. We are the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. Saddamism was the ideology of Saddam Hussein and Ba'athist Iraq. Jacobinism, also called Montagnardism is an authoritarian, radical liberal revolutionary ideology that originates from the age of enlightenment (18th century) and that advocates for a revolution against the traditional european society and establishment of an egalitarian Republic . Blanquism is an authoritarian, economically left ideology and revolutionary strategy based off the ideas of Louis Auguste Blanqui. Draw a ball. Song. He will die for his country and is often seen around Showa Statism as either praising him or acting as a adviser. They usually advocate for welfare to be provided only to those who. Political aspects of Islam are derived from the Qur'an, the Sunnah (the sayings and living habits of Muhammad), Muslim history, and elements of political movements in the Islamic world. Sigma Male Theme. He is also very intelligent as he has read tons of Shinto scripture. Stratocracy is an authoritarian ideology based on the idea that the military is the only government that can ensure stability within a given country or nation. He is the arch enemy of PragerU. Main page;. Autocracy is an authoritarian unity and absolutist ideology that believes the supreme political power to direct all the activities of the state should be concentrated in the hands of one person. Left-Wing Nationalism ( LeftNat ), Social Patriotism or Socialist Nationalism is an economically left-wing, culturally neutral and nationalist ideology that advocates for collective ownership of the means of production, in combination with anti-imperialism, egalitarianism, international solidarity, national. Flag of Falangism. It is based on the Ideas of Simon Bolivar for creating an unified Latin-American state, but in time it has added of Socialism of the 21st Century ideas, giving rise to Bolivarian socialism or. Separate the ball into 2 equal diagonal sides of Gold on the top and Light Blue on the bottom. The Ideology was founded in Romania. I. Main pageSocialism is an ideology used to represent the broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella term of "Socialism". Socialism of the 21st Century is an economically left-wing and culturally variable ideology. We currently have 780 articles on Polcompball Wiki. This will lead to society's prosperity and the well-being of all being raised as the people guide. This is the main template in the Polcompball wiki, it is meant to be added to every page that is about an ideology regardless of the state of completion of said page. Kemalism - Fellow nationalist, but a s*cular one. Like Strasserism, it wishes to establish a nationalist. These ideologyballs inhabit the Authoritarian Left quadrant of the Political Compass. Metaxism, is an Authoritarian Unity Ideology. Fordism is an off-compass totalitarian, culturally far-left, economically right and globalist ideology as well as a religion from the book Brave New World. Alt-Right • Anarcho-Fascism • Ba'athism • Black Islamism • Black Nationalism • Black Zionism • Eco-Fascism • Esoteric Fascism • Ethnonationalism • Ethnocacerism • Ethnocracy • Ethnopluralism. 780 Articles. 5,468 Articles. Ethnopluralism, or Ethno-differentialism, is a non-quadrant culturally-right ideology. Whilst believing that Islam is the correct religion, he also believes it must adapt to modern times, and adapt liberal western ideas like democracy. It is based on the beliefs of Russian revolutionary, philosopher and physician, Alexander Bogdanov. The Workers's March - Romanian Communist song. WIP Enlightenment. Rhythm and Police. Jihadism is a radical extremist variant of Islamic Theocracy. Ba'athism; Babouvism; Banana Republicanism; Barracks Communism; Big Tent Liberalism; Bio-Posadism; Bioregionalism; Bismarckism;. Navigation. Guevarism, Cheism or Focoism is a revolutionary leftist, communist, culturally left, ball that promotes exporting a Socialist revolution to countries whose leaders are supported by an empire with a particular, although not exclusive emphasis on guerrilla warfare outside urban areas. Color the left and right thirds of the ball red. 2. Kahanism. The Darwinian theory of evolution is also. The term is usually a pejorative against representative democracies in which the representatives are not seen as actually representing their constituents but rather. Anti-Auth's passion for policies and direct action against authoritarian ideologies, as well as their ability to work with anyone. It believes that a capitalist economic system is able to function the best with a monarch at the head of the state. Marxism-Leninism-Ba'athism (MLB), also known as American Ba'athism, American Vanguardism, and Neo-Funderburkism, is a Marxist-Leninist self-insert political theory. Individuals are assigned to these corporations based on their interests and skills, and their employment. Beliefs. Draw a ball. He has a special love. It is corporatist, culturally right, and believes in Constitutional Monarchism. It is the ideology of MapOfFish. Their biggest issue of concern is economics, so while ideologies in this quadrant like most variants of Marxism–Leninism and Trotskyism are very much culturally left, some other ideologies like Longism and Left-Wing. He advocates for cultural diversity at a global level, but ethnic assimilation and separatism in a national level so the citizens of such nations are ethnically homogeneous, but each nation is ethnically different. Swords of Iraq. African Socialism is an economically left-wing and culturally variable ideology. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed. Market Ba'athist believes that all Zionists are real. Born on September 24, 1902, in Khomeyn, Iran. I am SIXTWOZERO,AKA "HEXA20" ,one of the administrators of the Chinese Wiki. State atheism may refer to a government's. Sarojini Naidu.