Gungeon synergies. Ser Junkan is a passive item in both Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. Gungeon synergies

Ser Junkan is a passive item in both Enter the Gungeon and Exit the GungeonGungeon synergies  The item's interaction with Tarnishers is a reference to Like Likes from the Legend of Zelda series, who eat Link's shield

This. Three bees are shot together with every rocket and when a rocket explodes, it creates 5 more bees. If the player collects all four pieces of the Gunknight set, they will transform into Cormorant, the Aimless Knight. Particle Accelerator - If the player has Particulator, whenever a split Particulator shot dissipates, a laser is. Killing enough enemies with the gun causes it to level up, increasing its damage. It locks onto enemies once it hits. But, with any of the snowy items mentioned the damage goes up to 62. Pitchfork is a gun that fires fireballs that pierce 4 enemies and have a chance to burn enemies. Some guns in Enter the Gungeon have multiple possible synergies triggered by other items or gun. Synergies []. Bullets slow down to a very low percentage of its original travel speed, having a very slight. Interacting with a barrel will roll it and leave a trail of goop. The gun could also be a reference to the classic MMORPG RuneScape,. Teleported chests will upgrade in quality if they are teleported to the boss entrance room. Cast Iron - If the player has Big Iron, each of Big Iron's bullets are replaced with one from Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, and Hexagun. These items can be passive upgrades, active abilities, or single-use consumables. P skin available in Counter Strike Global Offensive. is a gun that fires planets. The damage dealt is equal to the amount of damage Life Orb dealt to the last. Blank Generation - If the player has Blank Companion's Ring, the companion becomes a smaller version of Old Red and will automatically fire a second blank after Elder Blank's effect ends. Fully heals the player. Knight Time - If the player has Ballistic Boots, taking damage briefly stops time in a manner similar to the Aged Bell. Deadlier Distraction - If the player also has Explosive Decoy, the Explosive Decoy explodes and creates a large. Synergies occur when two items work to better each other, whether it be increasing gun damage or item potency. Particle Flow - If the player also has Laser Sight, a crosshair will appear on any enemy the Stinger points towards and its homing rockets will be guided to them. The Hunter starts with this gun. This consumes the first gun, and makes the second gun (the base gun) fire projectiles from both. SAA is a gun that fires bouncing bullets and has a rather fast reloading speed. Klobbering Time - If the player also has AU Gun or Moonscraper, the Klobbe is doubled and fires two shots at a time. Turtle Problem. Mass Cutter - If the player has Mine Cutter, when the Mass Shotgun shot splits, 6-10 piercing Mine Cutter lasers will be fired in a cone in the direction the shotgun was fired. Future Gangster - If the player has Thompson Sub-Machinegun, it fires lasers and increases damage by 1. High Kaliber is a gun that was added in the A Farewell to Arms update. Grants a piece of armor upon entering a new floor. The icon of the item resembles the appearance of ammunition in Heavy Bullets. Shotgrub is a gun that fires a spread of 5 bullets that leave small pools of poison goop on impact. The two bone-themed guns are powerful on their. Pea Shooter AK-47 Medkit Old Knight's Shield Old Knight's Helm After the first teleporter, go up one room and left two rooms. No Odd Job - If the player also has Makarov, the two guns are dual-wielded. ; Super Space Turtle DX - If the player also has Yellow Chamber, Super Space Turtle becomes. . Singularity is an active item. Flipping a table creates a large area in which all enemies will be set on fire. The item must be used on two different guns, which will tape the first gun to the second gun. The references and items available to stumble across mean this dungeon crawler runs deeper than other games in the genre. Dead Place - If the player also has Melted Rock, Mine Cutter's damage is increased by 25%. Its magazine size increases to 32, its maximum ammo increases to 300, its fire rate greatly increases, and it deals half damage. Cast Iron - If the player has Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, or Hexagun, each of Big Iron's bullets are replaced with one from Bundle of Wands, Witch Pistol, and Hexagun. Ice Water - If the player has Mega Douser, Mega Douser freezes. This item is a reference to the morph ball bombs upgrade in the Metroid series where Samus can turn into a ball, roll around, and drop bombs. Banana is a gun that fires an explosive banana that sends out three more bouncing explosive bananas. The Tarnisher doesn't just like guns - it like likes guns. Purchasing from Synergrace 3 times unlocks the Macho Brace. Additionally, using Charm Horn fires a banana at each. Alistair's Ladder - If the player has Shock Rounds, Thunderclap fires two parallel balls of lightning with every shot, linking the bullets together in a ladder. In some case these synergies enable an. If the player has armor, the damage will remove the armor. This effect is similar to Snowballets and stacks with it, leading to rapid growth. Shotgun Full of Hate is a gun that fires a spread of 6 projectiles (2 poison bullets which leave pools of poison goop, 2 regular bullets, a piercing nail, and a bouncing skull). Spawns a black hole that sucks enemies, bullets, and items into it. Accretion Jr. Increases damage to jammed enemies by 225% for a total damage output of 325%. Fairy Bow - If the player also has Bomb, charge. Appears at random in the Gungeon as a merchant, selling three poor quality items at a 50% discount. The Crossbow is a gun that fires a single high-damage bolt. Hidden Tech Flare - If the player also has Hot Lead, the area of effect of Table Tech Heat triples and ignites enemies with green fire. Player uses their last blank. 5. Weird Science - If the player also has Science Cannon, three Science Cannon beams branch off perpendicular to the Disintegrator's main beam. 0025 (0. King Bomber (Lil’ Bomber + Others) 5. ; Heavy Metal - If the player also has Anvillain, its shot speed is decreased by 25% and its damage is increased by 20%. P to the Asiimov, an A. Laser Rifle is a gun that fires a burst of three lasers. 5. W. Rockets deal 35 damage on contact and the explosion deals 35 damage. Careful Iteration - If the player also has Casey, Casey becomes spiked and fires a spread of 6 nails each time it is swung. In Enter the Gungeon, before unlocking him, he can appear after destroying chests and has a 20% chance to replace regular Junk. M1 is a gun that fires piercing bullets. Effects []. It often appears after destroying chests. Related: Classic Dungeon Crawlers Every Gamer Should Play Here is a list of the twelve top. While active, attracts nearby bullets and converts them to ammo. Monster Blood is a passive item. It originally belonged to the female sniper character Sniper Wolf. Orrery - if the player has Orbital Bullets, it causes the planets. 45. Upon use, activates a blank. Ammolets are a collection of amulet-themed items that grants an extra blank each floor, while also triggering different effects upon activating a blank (with one exception). Their damage is increased by 20% and spread is increased by 60%, decreasing. The Arctic Warfare synergy changes the sprite of the A. Serious Cannon is a gun that fires large, bouncing cannonballs that pierce through enemies. The Massive Effect - synergy is a reference to the video. Does not affect guns with only one round in each magazine, as numbers are rounded down. 3. While I enjoy the more emergent nature of Isaac’s synergies, I find that on average they are less noticeable than. Reflected bullets deal 10 damage each. Meatbun is an active item. The The Return synergy is a reference to the in-game boss Cannon, himself a reference to Ganon from the Legend of Zelda video game series. The lock-on feature makes the gun ideal for bosses and strong mobs. The following is a list of combos in Exit the Gungeon. Glass Cannon is a charged gun that shoots a powerful beam. Strafe Gun (stylized as STRAFE® Gun) is a gun that fires nails that travel nearly instantaneously. Jolly Roger. Lament Configurum is an active item. Elder Blank is an active item. The J am synergy could possibly be a reference to the Bible, as God is. Coolness reduces the cooldown of active items by 5% per point up to a maximum reduction of 50%. This weapon references masterwork weapons from DnD, a type of powerful standard weapon without magical enhancements. Summons a Super Space Turtle familiar which follows the player, firing bullets that deal 5 damage at enemies. Reloading swings the axe, destroying bullets and knocking back enemies in a short range. Blunderbuss is a gun that fires a short-ranged spray of bullets. Betrayer's Lies - If the player has Betrayer's Shield, it gains infinite ammo, a much larger magazine size, increased accuracy, and extremely high fire rate. The description may be a reference to the Norse God Odin, who exchanged his eye for wisdom and knowledge of spells. Evolver is a gun introduced in A Farewell to Arms. Sponge is a passive item. In. If the player is in possession of. Picking up the skull heals the player. Table Tech Heat is a passive item. AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. It fires golden bullets, which make a red skull effect when hitting an enemy. When an enemy is in range, it prioritizes following the target and periodically fires a rapid burst of 6 bullets at them. King Bomber - If the player also has Lil' Bomber, its bombs become. This gun is the one that is used in the Cultist's past. The synergies Ruby Weapon, Diamond Weapon, and Emerald Weapon are all bosses from Final Fantasy VII. Increases fire rate by 15%. Releasing the trigger detonates the nails, and they will also automatically detonate after a short period of time. The coolness bonus will remain for the entire run, even if the Cigarettes are removed. 一系列不断展开的. The shield shares a sprite with the Flying Disc from Exit the Gungeon. W. The Mirror Shield synergy is a reference to the item of the same name from the Legend of Zelda series. The last shot of every magazine is pink, and deals extra damage. Arrows can be released early to deal less damage. 25 while held. Upon clearing a room, spawns a turtle familiar. Yeah an Ammonomicon Entry for synergies should be. Has a similar look. There Is Only War - If the player also has Jolter, the Demon Head will float around the player while Jolter is held, and will automatically fire at enemies when Jolter is. Adds a 25% chance to refund ammo when a shot misses. This can negate contact damage, which regular blanks do not normally prevent. This gun's mechanism is overly complicated, but it proves extremely effective in the field. Defeat the bullet kins and find a crack in. Upon being picked up, it assigns a trigger randomly from the list of triggers (see below). The maximum ammo of the two guns is combined. The. ; Kalibreath - If the player has Yellow Chamber or Holey Grail, the Dragunfire and its projectiles turn gray. If the player had this synergy, any. His role is to introduce the player to the basic mechanics of Enter the Gungeon. After killing enemies and gaining enough experience, it levels up on the spot without any extra indication besides the bullets and the gun's appearance changing. The synergy 360 Yes Scope is a reference to the 360 No Scope meme spawned by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Mass Cutter - If the player also has Mass Shotgun, when the Mass Shotgun shot splits, 6-10 piercing Mine Cutter lasers will be fired in a. Proton Backpack is a gun that fires a slow, homing laser stream. As a sniper rifle, its shot speed is extremely fast, and its shots leave lines of smoke. Cormorant - Acquiring all four Gunknight items transforms the player into Cormorant. 5% damage. The method to unlock the Paradox can only be accessed after killing at least one. Hail, Satan! - Gains piercing if the player also has Pitchfork. For me, this is one of the coolest synergies as the Gungeon Ant becomes a queen ant and proceeds to fire. Synergies [] Bluer Guon Stone - If the player also has Blue Guon Stone, the rotation speed of the Guon Stone is increased but it orbits farther from the player. Turtle Solutions. Increases Coolness by 1 per use, decreasing the cooldown of active items and increasing the chance of items dropping upon clearing a room. If playing in coop mode and the Hunter dies whilst holding the Crossbow, it will disappear. The Magnum's altered form with the Wicked Sister synergy was originally an unused standalone gun, also named Wicked Sister. Allows active items to recharge while they are active. Some items will produce a unique effect when held at the same time. Synergrace: Runs a shop in the Gungeon where the player can purchase a synergy chest. Ruby Carbine - If the player also has Ruby Bracelet, Cog of Battle, or Mimic Tooth Necklace, the Hegemony Carbine will turn red and its shots will bounce off of walls once and burn enemies. These bullets have infinite range. Just like. Ice To Meet You - If the player also has Heart of Ice, firing with any gun will periodically fire a Heart of Ice projectile that splits and bounces. If the player comes into contact with this soul, the enemy takes massive damage. Synergrace will not sell a synergy chest if the player has no weapons with synergies. One Fish Two Fish - If the player has Helix Bullets, with each shot, Barrel. Ser Manuel's attacks are very basic and easy to avoid, considering how he's the very first boss in the game. Sausage and Pepper - If the player also has Gungeon Pepper, its range will be increased. Teleported chests will either appear in the starting room or the room right before the boss room. Synergies []. Chief Master - If the player also has any two Master Rounds, Alien Sidearm gains an increased maximum ammo of 500 and a larger magazine of 30. Installing mods: Go to your Enter the Gungeon Steam directory, usually located at: "C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonEnter the Gungeon". The probability of firing the ice projectile. H4mmer additionally gets 5 hammer shots at the end of every magazine and. VertebraeK-47 is a gun that fires homing, piercing bullets. Snowballer is a gun which fires snowballs that have a chance to freeze enemies. This "magic revolver" was created when the then-master of the Gungeon taped one of his staves of power to the top of the barrel. Big Shotgun is a gun that fires a burst of three extremely large, exploding projectiles that each burst into 6 more bullets on impact. Zombie Bullets is a passive item and a bullet upgrade. The Owl's "Special Delivery" synergy is a reference to Hedwig, the snowy owl that accompanies Harry in the Harry Potter book series. Alas, Sniperion - If the player also has Crown of Guns, Crown of Guns.