First was last December…the board blamed Sara Lee, a teacher at the High School, for the student-led protests. So, it’s clear that in 2020-2021, parents were opting out of the district, and Merit was a choice that brought them back. View their profile including current address, phone number 954-376-XXXX, background check reports, and property. Jameson Dion, Woodland Park Response to the Richard Harris guest column Mr. 13 Pikes. Sep. WPSD Facility Usage Presentation from the Perspective of the Taxpayers - Jameson Dion III. March 15, 2023. Michael Stewart, Woodland Park • • • Re: American Birthright in WPSD. Please don’t spread misleading information for which the origin is Facebook. The Woodland Park school board, and interim superintendent Ken Witt, have made several moves to clamp down on the speech of teachers and other staff in the district. and I'm interested in joining! Jameson Dion | Woodland Park, CO TLCA #25379 2008 J200 - Conqueror 310 UEV Offroad Camper. Three candidates have announced their intent to run against Illingworth, Kimbrell, and Bates in the school board election this fall. And for the record, I stand by Norma Engelberg’s reporting. There were several good letters to the editor published in the courier, on June 14th, and June 21st. Biography. This is super important!!!The Woodland Park School District needs to keep the current school board. District taxpayer Jameson Dion filed the complaint against a junior- and senior-level English and social studies elective at Woodland Park High School titled “civil disobedience,” which. And now he’s out. Feb 18, 2021 #9 SAS said: The weather looks mild, should be a good outing! <Tentative Plan>View Jameson E Dion's record in Woodland Park, CO including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Joined Nov 2, 2017 Messages 164 Location Ridgecrest, CA. Tina Cassens is leaving the district after being here 28 years. District taxpayer Jameson Dion filed the complaint against a junior- and senior-level English and social studies elective at Woodland Park High School titled “civil disobedience,” which. Jameson Dion, a Woodland Park resident who defends the school board members, said he and his wife, who have no children, got involved after moving to Woodland Park during the Covid pandemic. Tag Archives: Jameson Dion Connecting the Dots February 10, 2023. Dion Jameson Current & Past Addresses Includes all current and previously reported addresses for Jameson E Dion. Please see the details in the Go Fund Me and get in touch with any. Here is the link to the Support WP Schools Legal Fund. Investigative journalist Logan Davis published his second article about Woodland Park (if you missed the first, one, click here ). I am appalled at Woodland Park School District caving in to “taxpayer” Jameson Dion. Career history. LCPapa. Howdy Guest, don't forget to leave a comment for the BLM to keep trails open in the Moab area. I would appeal to the community of Woodland Park to. Miller Charis charter CORA Courier CPR curriculum Curt Grina David Illingworth David Rusterholtz Finance Gary Brovetto Gazette grants Jameson Dion Ken Witt KRDO letters Mathew Neal Media meetings Merit Middle School Mike Miles MOU Mountain Jackpot. A lot of folks on the left, and the Woodland Park Education Association have objected to just about everything about the current conservative school board. One reason they’d moved was disenchantment with health restrictions passed by local health officials where they lived in the Denver. This is shortly after Del Garrick made a similar announcement a couple weeks ago. However, the one piece of news that broke was significant…. • Jameson Dion – Among the many complaints he has was the one that he and Illingworth pulled together to remove not only a book but the high school teacher as well. 05/21/2023 • 3 minute read. Jameson Dion, a Woodland Park resident who defends the school board members, said he and his wife, who have no children, got involved after moving to. WOODLAND PARK BEWARE: RW will always be curious as to who people are who come up with the absurd conspiracies that we are seeing presented at any school board meetings and in the media. Woodland Park, CO 80863 Teller County Current Address : 19239 W 88th Dr, Arvada,. What should I be looking for? I wouldn't mind something that could. Longtime district employee Del Garrick has given his two weeks notice! guy literally grew up in this town and went to these schools. This comment was posted to a Facebook group…I think it’s worth reposting here to help people understand what this all means: Unless you’ve personally seen Tina in action, I. February 24, 2023. I’ve had more than one source confirm this, though there has been no district announcement yet. We're 100% free for everything!' FamilyTree Now. Dion hosted a conservative board candidate ‘Meet & Greet’ at his home prior to the November 2021 election for Illingworth, Rusterholtz, Patterson. Jameson Dion | Woodland Park, CO TLCA #25379 2008 J200 - Conqueror 310 UEV Offroad Camper. 2019-2020: 2284. Hi all. The 2016 ballot issue that Woodland Park voters approved by a 60/40 ratio, “provide(d) funds to be used exclusively for the benefit of the Woodland park School District RE-2 for educational. Well I am a taxpayer also, I. Reactions: SAS. She is a female registered to vote in Teller County, Colorado. Jamie Lynne Dion (born 1987) is listed at 426 Cornell Dr Woodland Park, Co 80863 and is affiliated with the Colorado Republican Party. 2021-2022: 1832 (Merit’s first year) 2021-2022: 2119 – if you include the 287 Merit students. I am getting a little play and some unfamiliar noises with my front suspension and I'm. I'm moving to a house in Woodland Park that will require an ATV. Jameson Dion is a resident living in the Woodland Park School District. Jameson Dion, a Woodland Park resident who defends the school board members, said he and his wife, who have no children, got involved after moving to Woodland Park during the Covid pandemic. C. Feb 14, 2021 #5 Agreed on PayPal. Jameson Dion, Woodland Park _____ Agree with Gerig and Lecky. She’s been a valuable member of the staff and will be sorely missed. View Jameson E Dion's record in Woodland Park, CO including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. We’ve been fearing. HomeClassifieds - Parts Classifieds - Body/Exterior/Armor Classifieds - Axle/Suspension Classifieds - Engine/Transmission/Transfer CaseHey all, When I lived up in the Denver metro area I had a couple of mechanics and shops that I would trust with looking at my truck. 2022-2023: 2122. We are moving forward with a new lawyer who feels that we have a strong case against our BOE. . chiplee. Tina Cassens is moving on from the district, see her email to staff below. Heck, at one. Joined Jun 11, 2018 Messages 1,942 Location Wyoming. Woodland Park, CO. Education. . Reviews of Jameson Dion, Arvada, Colorado. She is a female registered to vote in Teller County, Colorado. Harris tried to illicit fear in his comments regarding the “Disinformation Governance Board”. The Woodland Park School District needs to keep the current school board. ADJOURN WORK SESSION Agenda Subject to Change The. Details are here. . . He’s been serving as HR director and, I believe, finance; he and Tina were co-superintendents before Witt was hired. Six months ago, four new members were elected to the board. but school board supporter Jameson Dion. Here’s science behind It, and a clear explanation of why that number, and. With the district being on winter break of most of this past week, things were pretty quiet. Disheartened by issues with new WPSD board. Jameson Dion | Woodland Park, CO TLCA #25379 2008 J200 - Conqueror 310 UEV Offroad Camper. This was a major item on the agenda in Jeffco & Thompson back in 2013. February 26, 2023. SILVER Star. I am a former board member (2010 to 2019), a parent of WPHS graduates and a community member. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Tumblr Contact us RSS Twitter Instagram Pinterest Tumblr Contact us RSS. Episode 79: Jen Gibbons & Jameson Dion - The Kim Monson ShowGet info on Jameson E Dion - Woodland Park, Colorado - (239) 898-9467. A school in South Carolina also banned the book “Between the World and Me” from its classrooms. GoFundMe. HOME; SEARCH; MY TREE Start Family Tree; Jameson E Dion - Woodland Park, Colorado - (239) 898-9467. Feb 25, 2021 #6We are witnessing intimidation of the teacher’s union in Woodland Park, the Woodland Park Education Alliance (WPEA). 22 years working in this district. February 15, 2023. c. Woodland Park, Colorado Jameson Edward Dion (born 1984) is listed at 426 Cornell Dr Woodland Park, Co 80863 and is affiliated with the Colorado Republican Party. Jul 5, 2022. June 25, 2023. Jameson Dion, Woodland Park • • • LETTERS POLICY: Letters are published on a space-available basis. 2020-2021: 2055. One thing that is for sure is that the WPBOE & their supporters are on a mission to “Get Rid of the Woodland Park Teachers Association and the Colorado Education Association”. The initial complaint came from Woodland Park resident Jameson Dion, who sounded the alarm about the book "Between the World and Me," by Ta-Nehisi Coates. com FamilyTree Now. I'm new to the ATV arena. Woodland Park schools in Colorado have been the subject of a bitter school board recall fight. I'm looking for someone good in the Woodland Park/Colorado Springs area. Jameson Dion. "I read through the book, and I was. I’ve talked to these people and support them 100%, I’m convinced they can bring civility and unity back to. . There’s been a rumor floating around that seems to be true – so take this for what it is, an confirmed rumor at this point – but it looks like Ken Witt is hiring Aaron Salt into a senior level position in the district. Read fair and unbiased reviews of people on completed. After placing her on administrative leave for about a […]Enrollment numbers, from the CDE ( direct link to XLS ): 2018-2019: 2380. Jameson Dion, Woodland Park Editor’s note: I’d like to point out that an editorial is an opinion piece. The authentic truth is that the closest this country has ever come to being ruled by a fascist-like dictator, totalitarian. Joined Oct 16, 2020 Messages 14 Location Colorado Springs. We have paid his retainer on Monday 3/14/22 and have already accrued hundreds of dollars in CORA request fees as well. In this situation, it appears that the WPSD Bully Pulpit didn’t need to ask as it sure looks like this guy has been on their team since he moved to WP just. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE GAZETTE . Reactions: thinair80, SAS and OverlandTrax. A concerned mom from Cherry Creek and a stakeholder in Woodland Park share what they have uncovered about the NEA, and their plans for our children. Woodland Park, CO. com. Now, a resident relatively new to this town (with no kids in the schools), Jameson Dion, has obtained video footage of the WPEA’s recent meeting (CORRECTION 2/1 – this meeting was open to all teachers, not just. . 426 Cornell Dr, Woodland Park, CO 80863 Teller. Letters of 250 words or fewer are suggested. LandLocked93. (Courtesy of Woodland Park RE-2 School District website). He is a. View Jameson E Dion's record in Woodland Park, CO including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. I fully agree with the letters by Gail Gerig and Nancy Lecky that appeared in the Oct. ← Woodland Park School District’s curriculum in question after board. Witt was fully supportive. • •. Jameson Edward Dion, age 30s, lives in Woodland Park, CO. Source:. Freedom Watch News. Jameson Dion, Woodland Park _____ Authentic truth would be tremendous. I've got a couple acres of trees that will need maintenance, as well as a decent sized gravel driveway that will need plowing.