Piqua daily call classifieds. Clipping found in The Piqua Daily Call published in Piqua, Ohio on 7/29/1937. Piqua daily call classifieds

Clipping found in The Piqua Daily Call published in Piqua, Ohio on 7/29/1937Piqua daily call classifieds  Camilla A

BURCH. 937-538-4819 1451 N. The Piqua Daily Call office will be closed Monday. Opinions expressed by visitors to the page(s) do not reflect the opinions of the. Piqua Daily Call Commitment To Community. Phone: 937-610-7301. , Piqua, OH 45356. ) Ohio, June 1, 1985 to July 31, 1985 WorldCat. 9. *Waived application fees for same day applications. 44 likes. an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper. Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from Thursday, July 31, 1941 NDALS AT FAVORITE HILL SCHOOL AROUSES BOARD Boys Blamed fat Repeated Instances of Minor DamageCulprits to Be Prosecuted if. Piqua, OH 45356. Miller, age 88, of Troy, OH passed away on July 8, 2023, at the Koester Pavilion. PIQUA -- Doris Joanne (Stowe) Perry, 96, of Piqua, passed away at 6:15 p. com. Page 7. TROY, 2633 Walnut Ridge Dr. An officer found light smoke in the home. S. Because of this and the continued support of our parishes, alumni, families,. We use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to make the text on a newspaper image searchable. m. © Copyright AIM Media Texas, LLCCall: 937-698-4422. Below is the OCR data for 3 May 1922 Piqua Daily Call And Piqua Press Dispatch in Piqua, Ohio. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in. Read Pdc081413 by I-75 Newspaper Group on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Its Sunday edition is called the Miami Valley Sunday News. Inside: Inside: MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 2013. O. c o m. Through our witness as Christians, we are committed to delivering a values-based curriculum that helps to form the whole student. Help Wanted Carpet. 13 with family history and genealogy records from piqua, ohio 1885-1977. `Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from {{publishedDate}} Livestock Sales The lamb, barrow and steer sale brought a total of $102,765. INTRODUCTION & HISTORY. Piqua Daily Call - Online Newspaper. Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from Tuesday, December 19, 1972 DAILY CALL Tuesday, December 19, 1972 Penny Bui-right, Weds Stan Skikus SHIRLEY GETS HER Schorer, ma. May 31, 2023 (72 years old) View obituary. Piqua Daily Call (Newspaper) - October 7, 1972, Piqua, Ohio 8 pious daily Call saturday october 7, 1972 next week c est la vie with Pascal in football next week the Piqua Central indians will play Host to the Hill climbers of Urbana in the second annual Homecoming game. Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Cambridge, OH from The Daily Jeffersonian. The Rio la daily Call to place a classified advertisement Call main 46 Full-resolution sample. Browse short-form content that's perfect for a quick read(419) 586-2371. . Naveau, a Miami University graduate, also worked at the Greenville Advocate and the Piqua Daily Call. Puppies, come pick the one right for you. Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from Tuesday, May 8, 1945 L The Piquo Doily Coll Fhont 46 Offica hours of The Ptqua Daily Call classified advertising department are 8:00 a. Because of the nature of the OCR technology, sometimes the language can appear to be nonsensical. Calamity Strikes Piqua; Our City Bowed in Grief. Postmaster should send changes to the Piqua Daily Call, 310 Spring St. There is a 400. Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from Monday, June 25, 1945 LL. The Piqua Daily Call reports police were called to Lucky’s Bar around 11:45 p. Professionally, she worked at the Piqua Daily Call. Monday, November 4, 2013. He was born Oct. Find all of the latest Piqua, Ohio obituaries, condolences, and death notices from the Piqua Daily CBirths, deaths, divorces, marriages and etc. Farm feature: new barn built for Arthur Shuman, 4225 McCurdy Rd. Ohio newspaper lists online, Find popular daily news site and online portal on NewspaperLists. 13—A Miami County man is accused of intentionally setting a house fire late Sunday night that critically injured his stepfather. Start here!Browse search results for dogs for sale in Piqua, OH. See 1 photo and 1 tip from 5 visitors to Piqua Daily Call. He has seen every boys state basketball tournament since 1977. Website (937) 773-2721. Reach him at [email protected. CRIMINAL DAMAGE/MISCHIEF: At 10:56 a. Classified ads of local garage sales, estate auctions, and community events. Read more. -2:50 p. 6. Linn's Stamp News. Visit us at Dayton Daily News Classifieds. Coming. today and from 7-10 a. Camilla A. Jamison, 88, of Piqua, passed away at 9:35 a. m. Call 335-5634 for delivery concerns. Property for Rent in Piqua, OH on Oodle Classifieds. DOROTHY JAMISON Piqua, Ohio. Staff Reports. Piqua Daily Call Obituaries. DAYTON WEST 2BR Brick Ranch Style Apartment in Senior Community. Piqua Daily Call and Piqua Press-Dispatch, The (Newspaper) - June 21, 1926, Piqua, Ohio The favorite i Home paper volume Xii. MS-168 PIQUA DAILY CALL. ) Vol. In total, 75 stories have been published about Piqua which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Garage Sales in Piqua, OH 45356. Dog Classifieds in Piqua, OH 45356. $1. Read news, discover ancestors, and relive the past as you search through Piqua Daily Call archives. Phone : 937-773-2745Find Articles over 1866-1977 Years in Piqua, Ohio. -. Sharing the system increases efficiency by decreasing the number of times the same information must be entered into the system. DRIVING WITHOUT CONSENT: A business on the 1700 block of West High Street. Friday Closed. Marilyn passed away peacefully Thursday, March 23, 2006, after a very. Mills. Obituary Information. Jan 1 – Apr 30, 2014. Piqua Daily Call, The (Newspaper) - November 14, 1932, Piqua, Ohio Money. , taken from the Troy Daily News, Troy (Miami Co. Piqua Civic Band at the Piqua East Mall: Robert “Bob” Hance, conductor (15) f. 25 to Mar. Thursday 20° | 29°C. Fire guts Piqua industry. E. The company currently specializes in the Writing and Editing area. History. Sports:We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. MONDAY The next Class Act PDC prep football coverage: See stories, photos from Piqua, Lehman, Covington, Miami East, Bradford, Graham and Versailles games on Page 16, 17 or online at. Dayton Daily News - Online NewspaperComing. E-Editon. PIQUA, Ohio (WDTN) – Police are investigating after a man was shot in Piqua Thursday morning. Robbins, 53, formerly of Troy, passed away Tuesday, July 3, 2007, in Athens, Ga. Visit for our latest web news. Where You Always Get Blue Ribbon Service!, Barker Insurance Agency, Inc, Sidney, OHInformation Related To Piqua Daily Call in Piqua, OH 45356. Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more. 1800…. Daily Standard - Online NewspaperINSIDE: Piqua softball advances in tourney. DAILYCALL. Experience the history of Piqua, Ohio by diving into Piqua Daily Call newspapers. 6. Burch, age 76, of Piqua, OH passed away at 4:20 PM on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at Troy Rehab and Health Care Center. No. Read Pdc080713 by I-75 Newspaper Group on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. 1 with family history and genealogy records from piqua, ohio 1885-1977. Explore 93 years of history through 9,207 issues from Piqua Daily Call. Ohio Public Notices. , 36, of Piqua was arrested for first-degree misdemeanor domestic violence, second-degree felony burglary, fourth-degree felony abduction, and fifth-degree felony domestic violence in connection with this incident. ohio choose the site nearest you: akron / canton; ashtabula; athens; chillicothe; cincinnatiPiqua Daily Call. CLOSED NOW. Tomorrow. 4 with family history and genealogy records from piqua, ohio 1885-1977. Send letters by fax to (937) 773-2782. Melissa Welbaum, 34, of Piqua, was charged. -3:45 p. Sept 2 – Dec 30, 2013. 31, 1953, in Troy. PAGE SEVEN PHONE 46 PHONE 46 The Piquo Daily Coll Phone 4* Office hours of Th» Piqua Daily Call classified »dvÂ. Last Name First Name date of birth date of death PDC date; Da Angelo: Joseph: 12 December 1890: 14 December 1983: 14 December 1983: Dabbell: Catherine V: 23 MarcPIQUA — God is good! Piqua Catholic School is continuing its mission of “being an example of Jesus’ love” every day, in all we do. , Regional Hospital. -. COMING. 519. Get this The Piqua Daily Call page for free from Thursday, September 12, 1974 e Call ' That Connects You With. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Classified Ads locations in Piqua, OH. Dayton Daily News obituaries and family-placed death notices for Dayton and Ohio. In addition to the city of Piqua, the Daily Call circulates in several other communities in Miami County, Ohio , including Covington , Fletcher and Troy. He was born on March 11, 1935, in West Milton, OH, to the late Roger and Mabel I. November a 1932 the Paqua daily Calfi Page eleven classified advertising classified advertising rates and regulations cent per word each insertion no accepted for Lara than in cents figures dates and addresses Are counted. VOLUME 129, NUMBER 143. When crews responded at 11:58 p. Daily Call and pig a press dispatch classified ads pull v if children take Many thousands Are in chorus today to Chicago june Clouds Hung Low in the sky today As great throngs moved toward the stadium to witness an ancient. Find it via the AmericanTowns Piqua classifieds search or use. Phone 419-223-1010 Fax 419-229-2926 Address: 205 W. Page 11. You’ll gain access to thousands of Ohio newspaper obituaries in seconds. Obituary Information. Reach him at [email protected. 1 with family history and genealogy records from piqua, ohio 1885-1977. All black and whites $200. Billie (937)938-8279 4689 Burkhardt Ave. Start with Datanyze For Free! Find your B2B customer within minutes using affordable, accurate contact data from Datanyze. (Piqua, Ohio) 1888-1901The Piqua Daily Call Photo Negative Collection 1964-2003 is divided into twenty parts and forty series. YardSales. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This system is shared with the Miami County Communication Center and other county public safety agencies. 'Sound of Freedom' is dark, sad, disturbing call to action film. Information provided by the Piqua Police Department. Because of the nature of the OCR technology, sometimes the language can appear to be nonsensical. He has seen every boys state basketball tournament since 1977. Miami Valley Today News, Sports, Obituaries, Classifieds, Events and. Christopher A. See posts, photos and more on Facebook. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath. The Piqua Daily Call newspaper was located in Piqua, Ohio. to 5 p. Bryce s. Awesome come see. • Piqua Daily Call. THEFT: A report was taken for theft of a pair of shoes from a porch on the 700 block of Young Street at 4:05 p. Newspapers. It saddens me that I will never get. Each part covers a period of two years and each series covers a period of one year. and Martha (Walters) Burch. Dally Call Classified Ad Writer lo lave down your words and put them into a result-getting Want. Send your signed letters to the editor, Piqua Daily Call, P. Near shopping. . Call John 513-863-4463.