Bernard's Hill. r/projectzomboid. Yeah, there's an interesting square-shaped stronghold with a courtyard in the middle near the Ohio river to the east. iniJust a reckless video on how to get to the Raven Creek Gun Store from the Checkpoint at the edge of the Raven map. . You will gain ownership of the building that you spawn in so you gain the key of all doors connected to the outside. This city can be installed as an addon in the Steam Workshop. Once sealed, it has a large space for a farm. They were in a gun shop too. _____ WARNING! READ ALL BEFORE DOWNLOAD!BY SUBSCRIBING TO THIS MOD, YOU. And office buildings will have water dispensers with tons of water in them. All mods and the server are Build 41. 《僵尸毁灭工程》大型热门mod地图介绍 渡鸦港. The option "Start Engine" doesn't show up either. • 11 days ago. Join. . manism • 2 yr. Beard Mar 19, 2022 @ 11:53am. • 3 days ago. 17. It's got a pool for unlimited water, a park up front for wood, and it's right near the middle of Louisville, so supplies (and zombies) are abundant! 1 / 6. . This will also make sure that zombies are not present. Here is a small Clip to find a Secret Spot in Raven Creek, a Mod-Map in Project Zomboid, one of the greatest Zombie-Survival-Games ever! Project Zomboid. July 22, 2022. theres a secret base on the vanilla map, its northwest of the prison on rosewood bunch of military zombies there and some with military backpacks, you can check the pz map on your internet browser but the base in not actually on the map but on the. There is minimap mod. Server is hosted through GTX Gaming. 《僵尸毁灭工程》大型mod地图介绍 渡鸦港黄色区域 第四期. Descripción Discusiones 20 Comentarios 1519 Notas sobre cambios. 1K. (eris. Little stock of can food (planning on restock soon) some alcohol. Those you mentioned + Fort Knox , Over the River, Brandenburg and New Denver (idk if it's compatible with Raven Creek tho, since they occupy the same cell, i believe) Raven Creek with Slocan lake, BC is compatible. When i get my hands on the new map image, i'll replace this old one. Scared that if I break it they’ll overwhelm me since the sledge is slow with its attack speed. • 6 days ago. It's a pretty rough place lol! This spot is right on the edge of the "Urban Zone" tho, so the zombie count isn't as high. Сегодня мы играем на самой сложной карте в Project Zomboid (build 41). This is a bunker south of the soccer field in Raven's Creek. 12. What might these awards be and would anyone be interested in exploring this side of the map with me?My base in Raven Creek, 7 months in. The fire station with a tower near the city's southern limits is a good location for a base. i have never really explored Raven Creek. Model's so old I had to just start over, haha. Because all of the stores have the metal grates on them, and the rest is fenced in all the way to a neighboring factory. Might have to, considering I cant be asked to level up mechanics and metal. But wells, those are more of a rural feature. Image Raven-Creek-Map hosted in ImgBB. Stack up on propane to dismantle dozens of cars have a sledgie or 2 to remove 4ish compleetly walled of areas and impossible to drive through check points. 2. Hey the best places i have found tapes in Raven Creek are tall bookshelves in apartments i've not seen a video store there though. Last edited by lil_bluntz ; Nov 6, 2021 @ 1:29pm. The Damp GamerSteam Workshop: Project Zomboid. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Mod Collection: Workshop: Project Zomboid. Yep, through a mod called Irrigation pipes for farming and water supply. Screen tearing. Todo Discusiones Capturas Artwork Retransmisiones Videos Workshop Noticias Guías Reseñas. I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. I generate files for eris minimap for Raven Creek. 06:43. 96. It sucks. Maps I use that can be accessed from vanilla map. 164. many non perishable food and spices. For example remote army surplus and gun shop in west part of the map does not respawn ever because those are not considered part of towns by game. It's also close to the overrun stronghold, the coast, the storage facility, etc. For me, this happened in West Point if I run to the east. • 9 days ago. And big thanks to eris for making eris_minimap, giving me permission to create plugins, and all the help in doing so! And thanks to the author of Raven Creek, DavidBlane for granting permission for this plugin. Right next to the small square building. I have zombie population set to high, also all 3 respawn options set to 0. r/projectzomboid. Hey the best places i have found tapes in Raven Creek are tall bookshelves in apartments i've not seen a video store there though #1. Merged with STFR!) RavenCreek Police Department (Discontinued! Merged with STFR!) Merged with SmallTownFirstResponders! Hello. MissedShot420 • 2 yr. I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. You might need to kill a couple zombies in the tunnel to get a key. With credit to turbotutone, TIS and anyone involved with creating cartoZed, thankyou! eris_minimap - Minimap mod. There is however plentiful bathrooms and kitchens, and all those fixtures will have small amounts of water in them. 142. He's only gotten to make 4 stone knifes while saying "Any weapon is welcome", which means that there's something which stops him from making more - there's no reason he wouldn't have if he could've. Just small mods that basically polish (🇵🇱) things out. Not sure if it was my mods, the map or both, but the roads are close to undrivable with all the crashed cars around and in the city. [NIO] Cent. . Okay, so the cream of the crop for maps that have the minimap are Raven's Creek, Lake Ivy Township, Little Township, Ed's Auto Salvage, Grapeseed, Pitstop, Blackwood, and St. 1. Finally convinced some friends to get zomboid. Red the Zed Mar 31, 2021 @ 8:21am. 4. #1. 15. • 19 days ago. 38. . We're headed up the block to check out a couple places and try to find some resources to dismantle. The setting works on the vanilla map, so it’s odd that it doesn’t here. Vote. (First of all It's broken or maybe the mod file have normally, the save I wanted to share that I dont know how. From my experience I've added grapeseed and fort redstone with success. This alone should earn me a date with a zombie horde in my base. above that building are the apartments. This adds an entirely new city that’s filled with loot, zombies and tons of stories. Mad Max: Fugly Road. You'll just possibly miss out on specific houses with specific loot in the event one of those special houses gets turned into an event house, e. The map just ends there. dunnykin • 2 yr. That. 9MB file. ※ Raven Creek Spawn point ※ Added 896 spawn points in Raven Creek. Man thats rough, if the nearest VHS store wasnt a 30 mile drive away I would probably go there. Sedan version of the most iconic hatchback ever, it was a huge hit in the Americas, now right here in Project Zomboid, now with even more load capacity! Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2. Also there is other option that requires a map chunk to be unseen for X. Project Zomboid 10 Years Later, CDDA Zombies, Ridiculously Rare Loot, Worse Vehicle Condition, Hydrocraft, Britas, Raven Creek - A few of many mods in this s. i fix it now :)I Survived 100 Days In RAVEN CREEK As A BURGER FLIPPER In Project Zomboid 3 /r/projectzomboid, 2023-03-26, 14:58:35 After many Suggestions by this Group (Love you all). On Raven creeks mod download spot the creator has. Hello squad. No. 34. Load full resolution 31. Can we escape Raven Creek 10 years after the apocalypse? Only time will tell. Got more weapons and ammo then i could ever need. Intended for those who get lost easily in the city like me. Like Bethesda, it just did. It's surrounded by unclimbable (for zeds) fences and only has one entrance you can easily blockade. It got replaced with a military tent when the map got updated. In-game map of Raven Creek. The city is a massive addition to the game that includes a gas station, hospital, as well as many other areas of interest. #1. I used it to get Raven Creek and Fort Redstone. Raven Creek: A Challenging Map for Beginners. Cannot get access to the rest of Knox County. Per page: 15 30 50. HELP! : r/projectzomboid. 1. So many zombies. wanted to show off my favorite safehouse location in raven creek for project zomboid. ago. All was going well, taking things slowly, until he took a wrong corner and, well, as you do, just charged into a room full (and I do mean full) of zombies. For example: My first time in Raven Creek I spawned in a massive trailer park that I cannot find anywhere on the map! My second try, after getting eaten, if you follow the road that goes east/west on the bottom of the map and go east you will see a small farm on the left. I have zombie population set to high, also all 3. Nope, only thing that can break them is a sledgehammer. Die. BulusB • 2 yr. 4 MB. Louisville is honestly 2/3 copy paste houses and row homes with 1/3 unique business district. _____ WARNING! READ ALL BEFORE. Starting 6 months later but in the summer. LootOrangen Dec 10, 2016 @ 12:58pm. First time I played Raven's Creek I spawned at the rest stop outside the city and looted the military base. r/projectzomboid. 《僵尸毁灭工程》大型mod地图 渡鸦港 绿色区域介绍 第三期. Input that in your server_spawnregions. 13. New to the map. Jan 16, 2022 @ 1:20pm. •. That sounds like exactly where it used to be, where the mechanic shop currently is. Join. < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . died about 30 seconds later of blood loss right next to me. And big thanks to eris for making eris_minimap, giving me permission to create plugins, and all the help in doing so! And thanks to the author of Raven Creek, DavidBlane for granting permission for this plugin. In this Points of Interest video, we are going to be showing some good areas in Raven Creek that you can try to make it to in order to increase your chances. I disabled the original Slocan Lake mod, enabled this one, and set up both the mod order and map mod order list to have the Main InGameMaps mod first, then the actual map mods, and finally the maps from InGameMaps, but every time my map shows the vanilla overlay, and all the Slocan Lake maps appear blank. 4 MB. ago Pistol Expert. Posted by 5 minutes ago. Van won't start despite battery and engine are ok. . ago. Every 2 in game hours they automatically water any crop the pipes share a tile with, saving you having to manually water them or wait for rain, which is great cause for me it. Join. I can launch a new game in Raven Creek though. Between the island, the alpha labs, save our station, and the antiserum mod, there’s actually quite a few good end-game options. Love the base!Raven creek map. . Every other mod we install works on the server. But, so much loot. The city is a massive addition to the game that includes a gas station, hospital, as well as many other areas of interest. The city is usually infested with a lot of zombies, and the number of zombies players encounter after spawning in Raven Creek is quite random. I recently got the game myself and bin playing on Raven Creek but never heard of some sort of secret bunker in Raven Creek itself. Add to Collection. Join Discord for More Info Listed here - me on. ago. Happy scavenging! Workshop ID: 2610405655. . I can only think of Raven Creek, WP Expansion, Bedford Falls. Join. My first fort base (Raven Creek) I took over the fire station, the roof of the police station, the storage place, and the two houses behind. Then I just moved RavenCreek; in front of Muldraugh, KY for the Map= section. However here I am, making food that would make a zombie Gordon Ramsey have an aneurism in rage. Then turn it on in the game through the main menu, after which, when creating a new game, you can start survival there. 1. ago. #1. 177. On one of my other previous Project Zomboid videos a viewer named 'Moulinex M' reached out as they were having trouble installing and playing these maps. Is it just me or should jail cell doors last way longer like there literally made to keep people in a zombie should not be able break them nearly as fast. Login Store Community Support Change language View desktop website. But mod conflicts with the All-In Zomboid Map Pack (AIZ), New Denver (Slocan Lake) and every other map mod. I know the reason might be because of population number, but still they are too much and seem to appear out of air. 273.